Next Chess Move

by Next Chess Move LLC

Jeux de société

2.99 usd

Un puissant calculateur de mouvements déchecs.

NCM is a powerful chess calculator that runs Stockfish 14 directly on your device. The app also includes access to a growing list of engines running on NCMs single core CPU hardware:nn• Stockfish latest official releases and development buildsn• Lc0 (all official networks and several contrib networks)n• Cfishn• GNU Chessn• Etherealn• Xiphosn• Lasern• Defenchessn• Arasann• Vajolet2n• OpenTaln• Nemorinon• Demoliton• Wintern• Nalwaldn• Igeln• Seern• Firen• RubiChessn• Koiviston• Waspn• Halogenn• Berserkn• Marvinn• CombuskennnThe optional NCM Pro in-app purchase provides a full year access to powerful hardware and features that significantly enhance the strength of calculations:nn• Dual Xeon E5-2680 v2 20 CPU-core serversn• RTX 2080 GPUs for LcZeron• 6-man syzygy tablebases on SSD drives